I wanted to take a moment and reflect upon how amazing produce can be in its raw form. There are so many reasons to eat everything from tomatoes to oranges, kale to apples, blueberries to squash and everything in between in the form in which it comes from the earth. Often times I can get distracted trying to invent a new recipe or create a fancy master piece and forget to be appreciative of the beautiful piece of food in my hand.
I was so amazed by the melon in this week’s share, I would like to provide you with some insight into what this awesome ball of goodness nourishes you with. An average size melon has only 34 calories and is very low in fat. In one cup of the cubed melon you are getting 78% of your daily vitamin C intake, 30% of vitamin A and 12% of potassium. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and is crucial for vision health. There is also loads of betacarotene in just a few bites! These are just a few fun facts to help you understand and appreciate the health benefits a few bites of melon provides. Other raw items I have been loving lately are tomatoes with salt and pepper, sliced fresh peppers, cukes, blueberries... the list goes on and on! So, happy eating to you all!!
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December 2016
AuthorAli Price |