Dear Root 5 Farm CSA Members, Now more than ever, we’re reminded of the crucial importance of a resilient, local food system. People need to eat, which means people need to farm. We love to farm, and we're in this community for the long term. At Root 5 Farm we’re ready to do our part to support the safety, calm, and prosperity of our community. Here’s what we’re up to in response to the virus: Our first priority is keeping our small crew healthy. We’re limiting personal social contact, identifying potential exposures, and monitoring ourselves for any signs of illness. We offer paid sick leave, should any of our staff need it. We follow strict food safety protocols as part of our CAPS certification (Community Accreditation for Produce Safety) through the Vermont Vegetable & Berry Association. Our farm is unique in that it's not open to the public for farm stand sales, keeping exposure to possible contamination at a minimum. We’ve also been working to get ahead of the game. As organic vegetable farmers, we've spent the entire winter planning and preparing for our growing season. All the supplies and new materials we think we might need to run the farm over the coming year have already been purchased. We feel as prepared as we possibly can be. We want to recognize that this important work can go on because of YOU, and your early commitment to our farm as a CSA Member. When we have your support, we can focus on the work of growing your food and providing for your family. YOU are the reason this system works, and YOU are the reason we have a hopeful perspective during these uncertain times. Thank you. Please, help us spread the word and help us grow this positive community. Tell your friends and family about the benefits of supporting a local CSA farm today. Ever grateful, Danielle, Benner, & Garhett Financial Support AvailableIf you're feeling financially stressed right now, and you're not sure if you can afford your CSA Share, please know that we're committed to making good food available to all members of our community. We partner with the NOFA-VT Farm Share Program and the Willing Hands Share-a-Share Program to offer discounted or free shares for those with limited income. Check out these programs if you need financial assistance. How Can I Help?If you're in a position to offer help, please consider donating to the NOFA-VT Farm Share Program or the Willing Hands Share-a-Share Program to help ensure that all of our neighbors can access fresh, healthy food during this time of need.
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December 2022