A Small Share is perfect for smaller households and families who don't cook at home every day. Also great for supplementing produce from your home garden!
Our Medium Share is our most popular option, great for a household of 2-4 people who cook at home regularly. This size share also allows some room to add fruit, milk, eggs, cheese, and other extras.
A Large Share is perfect for larger households, or those who have a mostly plant-based diet, are avid cooks, or like to can, freeze, and preserve extras. This is also a great option for those who like to add on fruit, cheese, yogurt, meat, milk, eggs, kraut, and pantry items each week.
It's simple to manage your own schedule through your online CSA account! |
PAY AS YOU GO (credit card)
Pay for your first box as a deposit at the time of signup. For the rest of the season, pay weekly for each share you receive. This is the default payment option. |
PAY OFFLINE (check only)
Offline payment can be in full or in four installments. Pay offline by mailing a check to: Root 5 Farm, 2340 US Route 5 N, Fairlee, VT 05045 |
VT Farm Share Program:
NOFA-VT's cost-sharing program that offers financial support to limited-income Vermonters for purchasing a CSA share. Participants receive up to a 50% subsidy of a CSA share from Root 5 Farm. To apply for a subsidized share, please visit NOFA-VT, fill out the application. Please also contact us and let us know that you are applying for a NOFA Farm Share. To donate, you can help to share the harvest by donating to the Farm Share Program as you sign up online for your CSA share this season. |
Share-a-Share Program:
We work closely with Willing Hands to donate thousands of pounds of extra wholesome food to our neighbors in need every year. Willing Hands picks up surplus vegetables at our farm every Tuesday, they come weekly to glean "seconds" from our fields before we till them in, and they pick up any extras after farmers market every Saturday. Willing Hands provides the critical link between surplus on our farm and our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. We're proud to partner with Willing Hands to help provide nutritious food to members of our community through the Share-a-Share Program. Willing Hands will pick up the share from our farm and distribute it to one of their recipient sites each week. Donations are tax deductible. |